
Options for individuals wishing to participate in the 2024 Annual Meeting program are:

Flash Presentation Session

A 90 minute, rapid-fire, engaging performance of current projects/concepts via a few image-rich slides, along with brief visual descriptions, and dynamic and reasonably-paced spoken content. Flash presentations will be combined into session blocks made up of 6 – 8 flash presenters who will present on a variety of topics in each session. Each flash presentation should be no longer than 6 minutes.

Modality available for flash presentation sessions:

  • The only modality for this session is in-person.

Call for participations to submit flash presentation session:

  • General Call for Participation
  • Late-Breaking Call for Participation

Poster Presentation Session

Using a combination of visuals and text, poster presentations allow you the opportunity to present your research, speak informally with interested viewers, facilitate an exchange of ideas and network. You will be provided with a board to display your poster.

New for 2024! Poster sessions will be held in the exhibit hall and will not compete with other scholarly programming. Each poster session will be 90 minutes long.

Modality available for poster presentation sessions;

  • The only modality for this session is in-person.

Call for participations to submit poster presentation session;

  • General Call for Participation
  • Late-Breaking Call for Participation

Talk Presentation Session

Ideal for submitters looking to present their work independently, this presentation format allows for presenting a paper through a video recording. You can screen record your presentation slides along with your presentation. Submitters will provide an open access video link that will be available for the On Demand portion of the meeting.

This is a great option for those who would have traditionally submitted an individually volunteered paper, which are not offered this year.

Modality available for talk presentation sessions:

  • The only modality for this session is virtual pre-recorded. Your video should be 15 minutes long.

Call for participations to submit talk presentation session:

  • General Call for Participation
  • Late-Breaking Call for Participation


Options for groups wishing to participate in the 2024 Annual Meeting program are:

Oral Presentation Session

This session type is 90 minutes long, and includes 4-6 presenters. Your submission must include a title and abstract for the entire session, as well as a title, abstract and name of the presenter for each individual presentation. Each participant presents their work one-by-one in a series of 15-minute presentations. Participants may read a prepared speech or informally discuss their work using visual aids such as a PowerPoint presentation.

Roles associated with Oral Presentation sessions are:

  • Organizer (1 min, 2 max)
  • Chair (1 min/max)
  • Discussant (2 max)
  • Presenters (4 min, 6 max)

Modality available for oral presentation sessions:

  • The only modality for this session is in-person.

Call for participations to submit oral presentation session:

  • Executive Call for Participation
  • General Call for Participation
  • Late-Breaking Call for Participation

Roundtable/Town Hall Session

This session is 90 minutes long and designed to allow participants to discuss and share ideas with each other on a topic of shared interest with the aid of a discussant. In this session type, the discussant acts as a guide and frames the conversation, with most of the comments and discussion coming from participants. This session type includes 4-7 participants and only a session title and abstract, no individual talk titles or abstracts.

Roles associated with Roundtable/ Town Hall sessions are:

  • Organizer (1 min, 2 max)
  • Discussant (1 min, 2 max)
  • Presenters (4-7)

Modality available for Roundtable/ Town Hall sessions:

  • The modality options for this session are in-person or virtual live.

Call for participations to submit roundtable/ town hall sessions:

  • Executive Call for Participation
  • General Call for Participation
  • Late-Breaking Call for Participation

Conversation or Debate

2-4 Participants engage in a traditional-style debate or conversation lead by one to two moderators (discussant role) and followed by a brief question and answer session from audience members. This session is 90 minutes long.

Roles associated with Conversation or Debate sessions are:

  • Organizer (1 min, 2 max)
  • Discussant (serve as moderator) (1 min, 2 max)
  • Presenters (2-4)

Modality available for Conversation or Debate sessions:

  • The modality options for this session are in-person or virtual live.

Call for participations to submit Conversation or Debate sessions:

  • General Call for Participation
  • Late-Breaking Call for Participation


One-on-one conversation in which a host interviews one person about a topic in an engaging lively discussion followed by a question-and-answer session with audience members. This session is 90 minutes long.

Roles associated with Interview sessions are:

  • Organizer (1 min, 2 max)
  • Presenters (serve as host and interviewee) (2-4)

Modality available for Interview sessions:

  • The modality options for this session are in-person or virtual live.

Call for participations to submit Interview sessions:

  • General Call for Participation
  • Late-Breaking Call for Participation


Conversational in nature, this submission type is a 40-minute, pre-recorded discussion on a specific topic.

Roles associated with podcast sessions are:

  • Organizer (1 min, 2 max)
  • Presenters (2-5)

Modality available for podcast sessions:

  • The only modality for this session is virtual pre-recorded.

Call for participations to submit podcast sessions:

  • General Call for Participation
  • Late-Breaking Call for Participation