Late Breaking Call for Participation Guidelines

The Late Breaking Call for Participation will open Wednesday, September 11 and close Wednesday, September 25, 11:59pm ET.

The accept/decline notifications will be sent the week of October 14.

  • Late-breaking submissions are topical, timely, and relevant to current events.
  • Presentations must offer findings that were not available until after May 5, 2024, the General Call for Participation submission deadline.
  • Applicants can submit a late breaking proposal even if they have had another abstract accepted for presentation.
  • A limited number of late-breaking sessions will be accepted, and the number of slots is dependent upon the Annual Meeting venue’s spatial availability.
  • All group proposals must be completed by the session organizer. Your participants will not receive an invitation to log into the Submission Portal. Session Organizers are responsible for adding all the final session information during submission.

Late Breaking Themes

The topical themes for this year’s Annual Meeting Late Breaking sessions are:

  • Gaza
  • Project 2025
  • Impact of Roe v Wade being Overturned
  • Abortion
  • Immigration
  • Migration and Displacement
  • Borders
  • Global Anti-Immigrant Movements
  • Climate Change
  • Environmental Injustice
  • Ecological Futures
  • Digitality
  • AI and the Impact of Artificial Intelligence
  • Changing Political Landscapes
  • Critical Interrogation of Supreme Court Decisions
  • Voting Agency
  • Political Affiliations/Identities Outside the Two-Party System
  • Coalitional Politics and Praxis Now/Over Time
  • Global Impact of Anti-Trans Legislation
  • Disability rights
  • DEI Discontinued in Academia and Industry
  • Legislative Movements against the Unhoused
  • Other* (*A scholarship-informed, late-breaking topic.)

Late Breaking Submission Types

There are six submission types for the Late Breaking Call for Participation, one individual submission option and five group options:


  • Talk- Pre-recorded (Virtual pre-recorded only)


  • Oral Presentation Sessions (in-person only)
  • Roundtable/ Town Hall (in-person or virtual live)
  • Conversation or Debate (in-person or virtual live)
  • Interview (in-person or virtual live)
  • Podcast (Virtual pre-recorded only)

To learn more about these submission types or detail about participation roles visit Submission Types or Role pages.