Please complete this form to request a correction to the Preliminary Program by Friday, September 27. We will use these requests to update/correct the preliminary program prior to it’s final publication in late-October. You will not see your changes made to the published preliminary program, only the final program. Important Notes:

  1. We are unable to add, replace, or swap speakers on the program.
  2. If you email your correction to the AAA, we will ask you to fill out this form in order to compile all necessary corrections in one place.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please enter the title of your session in this field. If you are submitting an edit for a paper within a session, please be sure to include the SESSION title in this box. Identify which paper you would like to edit in the "Correction Requested" box below.
Please indicate for which date your session is scheduled. If you session is pre-recorded, please indicate that in this field.
Please indicate what time your session is scheduled to begin on the current preliminary program. If your session is pre-recorded, please indicate that.
Correction Request Submitter
Correction Request Submitter's Email
Please describe the correction you wish to be made. Note: we are not be able to add, replace, or swap speakers to/on sessions.
Date / Time