
Each session type will have an organizer. The organizer is responsible for the following:

  • Create and submit the session proposal through the submission portal.
  • Approach potential session participants and ask them to join your session before making the submission.
  • Communicate the requirement to become a AAA member and register for the annual meeting to all session participants.
  • Confirm all speaker tasks are completed by each session participant by the deadline.
  • Ensure all participants are aware of the time and location of the presentation.

*Note- you can add a co-organizer in the submission portal if you are working with another person. The person who makes the submission will be the primary organizer, and you can add your co-organizer in the submission.

Oral presentation sessions will have a chair. The chair is responsible for the following;

  • Supervise the session
  • Introduce each paper, author, and discussant to the audience.
  • Manage time for presentation.

Each session type has a presenter role. The presenter role responsibilities for each session type are:

Oral Presentation Session

  • Present your work through a visual presentation along with 3-5 other presenters- 15 minute presentation
  • Prior to the meeting, complete all tasks in the speaker resource center, including becoming a member of the AAA and registering for the meeting.

Roundtable/ Town Hall

  • You will speak as an informed panelist and will share ideas on a single topic, and participate in the conversation with other roundtable speakers.
  • Prepare and provide a brief (3-5 minute) opening statement.
  • Prior to the meeting, complete all tasks in the speaker resource center, including becoming a member of the AAA and registering for the meeting.


  • Answer questions posed by moderator
  • Prior to the meeting, complete all tasks in the speaker resource center, including becoming a member of the AAA and registering for the meeting.


  • Conduct an interview
  • Prior to the meeting, complete all tasks in the speaker resource center, including becoming a member of the AAA and registering for the meeting.


  • Prepare and present research or current work through visual display.
  • During session time be available near your poster to answer questions and discuss your work with fellow attendees.
  • Prior to the meeting, complete all tasks in the speaker resource center, including becoming a member of the AAA and registering for the meeting.


  • Present current projects or concepts within 6-minute time frame
  • Be available after your presentation to engage with audience and answer questions
  • Prior to the meeting, complete all tasks in the speaker resource center, including becoming a member of the AAA and registering for the meeting.

The only session types that have a discussant role are oral presentation session, roundtable/town hall, and conversation or debate. All discussants must become a member of the AAA and register for the meeting to participate and appear on the program. The discussant role responsibilities for each session type are:

Oral Presentation Session – 1 to 2 discussants are assigned to a panel.

  • Review all the paper abstracts within the submission prior to the annual meeting.
  • During the session, highlight and integrate contributions of the various presenters’ abstracts.
  • Use expertise to provide general commentary on individual papers within the session, how they relate to each other, and how they help to advance the topic.
  • Plan on discussing the session for 10-15 minutes, depending on available time.

Roundtable/ Town Hall – 1 to 2 discussants are assigned to a roundtable.

  • Serve as a moderator.
  • Introduce the panel to the audience.
  • Use expertise to guide the direction of the discussion between presenters and audience members.
  • Lead the question-and-answer portion of the session.

Conversation or Debate – 1 to 2 discussants are assigned to serve as moderator.

  • Serve as moderator in a traditional style debate.
  • Introduce presenters to the audience.
  • Used prepared questions to guide the conversation or debate.
  • Lead the question-and-answer portion of the session.

Role Limits

Every individual participating in the meeting is subject to certain role limitations that must be followed.

Role Limits: Each individual participating in the meeting can have a maximum of one major role and one secondary role, OR, two secondary roles. You can have an unlimited number of Minor Roles.

*There is one exception to this- Individuals may apply to participate and be accepted to the Late Breaking Call for submissions even if they are already accepted in the maximum number of roles from the General and Executive Calls. For example, if a participant is already a speaker in a session accepted to the general or executive call, and is also accepted as a speaker in the Late Breaking call, we will make an exception for that violation and allow an individual to have two speaker roles.

Role types

Major Roles: You can participate in ONE of these roles:

  • Presenter
    • Presenter includes:
      • Flash Presentation, Poster, Oral Presentation Session Presenter, Roundtable presenter, Conversation or Debate Speaker, Conversation or Debate Moderator, Interviewer, and Interviewee.

Secondary Roles: You can participate in one secondary role and one major role, OR in two secondary roles (and no major role):

  • Discussant: Oral Presentation Session or Roundtable

Minor Roles: You can participate in an unlimited number of these:

  • Organizer/Co-Organizer
  • Chair

Non-roles: You can participate in an unlimited number of these as well:

  • Co-author
  • Installation Participants